Magazine cover learner response

1) Add your finished magazine cover as a JPEG image.

2) Type up your feedback from your teacher. If you've received this by email, you can copy and paste it across - WWW and EBIs. You don't need to include a mark or grade if you don't want to.

WWW: This is high-quality work. It very much meets the ‘approaching professional standards’ required for the top grades in A Level Media. Every aspect of this is so well constructed – the central image is superb in terms of mise-en-scene. The way you’ve got: props, costume and colour create a professional touch. The typography is absolutely in keeping with the brand identity of the magazine. It effortlessly sits alongside the real magazine covers which shows what a good job you have done. 

EBI: I do agree with your evaluation that a long shot image maybe better suited to the overall house brand style of other Empire magazine versions and would really elevate this work to receive top marks. Also, your acknowledgement of placing the masthead behind the image would keep more in line with their brand identity. Your cover lines may also be slightly too wordy but nonetheless still top level. However, if you continue to produce work like this you will be set to achieve a top coursework mark and grade.

3) Consider your mark against the mark scheme above. What are the strengths of your production based on the the mark scheme? Think about magazine cover conventions and the media language techniques you have used to communicate with your audience (e.g. mise-en-scene, camera shot etc.)

Excellent application of knowledge and understanding of media language, demonstrated by the consistently appropriate and effective selection and combination of elements to communicate very clear meanings throughout the products. An excellent cross-media production that constructs very effective narratives and shows deliberate control of connotations and clearly and purposefully constructs points of view that embody values and attitudes. Good application of knowledge and understanding of media language, demonstrated by the frequently appropriate and effective selection and combination of elements to communicate clear meanings throughout the product.

4) Look at the mark scheme again. What can you do to move your mark higher and, if required, move up a level?

Change the actual image itself to be able to have a longer shot of an actual actor in frame and have the empire title behind them as it would show excellent use of knowledge of magazines.

5) What would be one piece of advice you would give a student about to start the same magazine cover project you have just completed? 

Make sure that your magazine is created as faithfully as possible to the original and mimic all of its conventions.


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